Chart |
showShapes | false |
timePeriod | Quarter |
width | 1200 |
categoryLabelPosition | up45 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
type | bar |
yLabel | GiB |
height | 400 |
id | mydata |
dataSource | mars_apistats |
| select to_char(month, 'MM/YYYY') as monthyear, to_char(delivered/1024^3, 'FM999,999,999,990.999') as "delivered" from datasets_stats_monthly where dataset='tigge-lam' and month>=date'2013-01-01' order by month ;
select to_char(month, 'MM/YYYY') as monthyear, to_char(retrieved/1024^3, 'FM999,999,999,990.999') as "retrieved" from datasets_stats_monthly where dataset='tigge-lam' and month>=date'2013-01-01' order by month |
Number of requests
(peak values not fully displayed: 03/2016: 2,770 09/2016 : 104,283 10/2016: 223,116)
Chart |
dataDisplay | after |
showShapes | false |
width | 1200 |
categoryLabelPosition | up45 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
type | bar |
yLabel | Nr of requests |
colors | #FFAB00 |
rangeAxisUpperBound | 1000 |
height | 300 |
id | mydata |
dataSource | mars_apistats |
| select to_char(month, 'MM/YYYY') as monthyear, requests as "user requests" from datasets_stats_monthly where dataset='tigge-lam' and month>=date'2013-01-01' order by month; |