The plot shows the cross-section for the 22nd Sept., (day 2 of the forecast). The plot shows , for potential vorticity (PV), wind vectors projected onto the plane of the cross-section and potential temperature drawn approximately through the centre of the Hurricane and the cut-off low. The red line on the map of MSLP shows the location of the cross-section.
This means the 'steps' value in the macros is only valid for the times: [2012-09-20 00:00], [2012-09-21 00:00], .... and so on to [2012-09-30 00:00].
Change the forecast time to day+6 (26th Sept). Nadine has now intensified as it approaches the coast.
Change the forecast time again to day+8 (28th Sept), or a different date if you are interested, relocate and plot the cross-section of Nadine and the low pressure system. Use the hres_1x1.mv
icon from task 1 if you need to follow location of Nadine.