Chart |
3D | true |
showShapes | false |
timePeriod | Quarter |
width | 1200 |
categoryLabelPosition | up45 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
type | bar |
yLabel | TB |
height | 400 |
id | mydata |
dataSource | mars_apistats |
| select to_char(month, 'MM/YYYY') as monthyear, CAST(delivered AS FLOAT)/1024^4 as "data volume" from datasets_stats_monthly where dataset='s2stigge-lam' and month>=date'2015050120130101' order by month |
User requests
Chart |
3D | true |
showShapes | false |
width | 1200 |
categoryLabelPosition | up45 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
type | bar |
yLabel | Nr of requests |
height | 400 |
id | mydata |
dataSource | mars_apistats |
| select to_char(month, 'MM/YYYY') as monthyear, requests from datasets_stats_monthly where dataset='s2stigge-lam' and month>=date'2015050120130101' order by month; |
Fields retrieved
Chart |
3D | true |
showShapes | false |
width | 1200 |
categoryLabelPosition | up45 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
type | bar |
yLabel | Nr of fields |
height | 400 |
id | mydata |
dataSource | mars_apistats |
| select to_char(month, 'MM/YYYY') as monthyear, fields from datasets_stats_monthly where dataset='s2stigge-lam' and month>=date'2015050120130101' order by month |
(Users at least with 3 requests ever since)
Chart |
3D | true |
showShapes | false |
width | 1200 |
categoryLabelPosition | up45 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
type | bar |
yLabel | Nr of users |
height | 400 |
id | mydata |
dataSource | mars_apistats |
| SELECT to_char(month, 'MM/YYYY') as monthyear, count(DISTINCT username)as "active users"
FROM users_stats_monthly
WHERE dataset='s2stigge-lam' AND month>=date'2015050120130101'
AND username IN (
SELECT username
FROM users_stats_monthly
WHERE dataset='s2stigge-lam'
GROUP BY username
HAVING sum(requests) >= 3
GROUP BY month
ORDER BY month; |
Chart |
3D | true |
stacked | true |
width | 1200 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
opacity | 75 |
height | 1200 |
id | mydata |
dataSource | mars_apistats |
| SELECT profile_country.name, count(DISTINCT auth_user.username) as total_users
FROM profile_country
RIGHT JOIN profile_profile ON profile_profile.country_id = profile_country.id
RIGHT JOIN auth_user ON auth_user.id = profile_profile.user_id
RIGHT JOIN users_stats_monthly ON users_stats_monthly.username = auth_user.username
WHERE users_stats_monthly.dataset='s2stigge-lam' and users_stats_monthly.month>=date'2015050120130101'
GROUP BY profile_country.name
ORDER BY total_users DESC; |