rowStyles | background:#B8D1F3,background:#DAE5F4,background:#B8D1F3 |
noDataError | true |
enableSorting | false |
columnStyles | font-size: 1.0em |
rowOrientation | horizontal |
expandArray | false |
style | fumble:0 |
convertNull | false |
id | mydata3 |
class | @default testing |
dataSource | mars_apistats |
enableHighlighting | false |
retainRowStyleOrder | false |
SELECT to_char(sum(fields),'FM999,999,999,999,999') as "Total retrieved fields", to_char(sum(requests), 'FM999,999,999,999,999') as "Total user requests", to_char(sum(delivered/1024^4), 'FM999.999') as "Delivered volume [TB]"
FROM datasets_stats_monthly
WHERE datasets_stats_monthly.dataset='tigge_lam' and datasets_stats_monthly.month>=date'20130101'; |
Monthly sums
Delivered volume [TB]
Chart |
3D | true |
showShapes | false |
timePeriod | Quarter |
width | 1200 |
categoryLabelPosition | up45 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
type | bar |
yLabel | TB |
height | 400 |
id | mydata |
dataSource | mars_apistats |
| select to_char(month, 'MM/YYYY') as monthyear, CAST(delivered AS FLOAT)/1024^4 as "data volume" from datasets_stats_monthly where dataset='s2s' and month>=date'20150501' order by month |
User requests
(1 original user request could be split to more resulting MARS database retrieval requests shown in the graph below. It depends on MARS data design for given datasets. On average number of the original users requests is about 1/4 of the resulting requests shown here)
Chart |
3D | true |
showShapes | false |
width | 1200 |
categoryLabelPosition | up45 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
type | bar |
yLabel | Nr of requests |
height | 400 |
id | mydata |
dataSource | mars_apistats |
| select to_char(month, 'MM/YYYY') as monthyear, requests from datasets_stats_monthly where dataset='s2s' and month>=date'20150501' order by month; |
Fields retrieved
(1 field means the retrieved field for given step, level, etc)
Chart |
3D | true |
showShapes | false |
width | 1200 |
categoryLabelPosition | up45 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
type | bar |
yLabel | Nr of fields |
height | 400 |
id | mydata |
dataSource | mars_apistats |
| select to_char(month, 'MM/YYYY') as monthyear, fields from datasets_stats_monthly where dataset='s2s' and month>=date'20150501' order by month |
(Users at least with 3 requests ever since)
Chart |
3D | true |
showShapes | false |
width | 1200 |
categoryLabelPosition | up45 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
type | bar |
yLabel | Nr of users |
height | 400 |
id | mydata |
dataSource | mars_apistats |
| SELECT to_char(month, 'MM/YYYY') as monthyear, count(DISTINCT username)as "active users"
FROM users_stats_monthly
WHERE dataset='s2s' AND month>=date'20150501'
AND username IN (
SELECT username
FROM users_stats_monthly
WHERE dataset='s2s'
GROUP BY username
HAVING sum(requests) >= 3
GROUP BY month
ORDER BY month; |
Users per country [%]
(Users at least with 3 requests ever since)
Chart |
3D | true |
stacked | true |
width | 1200 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
opacity | 75 |
height | 1200 |
id | mydata |
dataSource | mars_apistats |
| SELECT profile_country.name, count(DISTINCT auth_user.username) as total_users
FROM profile_country
RIGHT JOIN profile_profile ON profile_profile.country_id = profile_country.id
RIGHT JOIN auth_user ON auth_user.id = profile_profile.user_id
RIGHT JOIN users_stats_monthly ON users_stats_monthly.username = auth_user.username
WHERE users_stats_monthly.dataset='s2s' and users_stats_monthly.month>=date'20150501'
GROUP BY profile_country.name
ORDER BY total_users DESC; |
Information which should be found here in the future will include: