version 1.2.0 (30 October 2019) - Increased default minimum cloud effective size to 100 m (although 500 m is used in the IFS for better SPARTACUS stability) - Reduced max_cloud_od to 16 for SPARTACUS stability - Allow water vapour to be specified by "h2o_mmr" or "h2o_vmr" if "q" not present in input file - Fixed effective_size_scaling namelist variable, broken in v1.1.8 - cos_solar_zenith_angle not needed if do_sw=false - skin_temperature set to lowest air temperature if not provided - Warning issued if default solar_irradiance of 1366 is used - Added radiation_config namelist variable "vmr_suffix_str" (default "_vmr") to enable the expected variable names containing gas volume mixing ratios to be overridden - Use the nf-config utility to set NETCDF_INCLUDE and NETCDF_LIB version 1.1.10 (8 April 2019) - Renamed occurrences of "encroachment" with "entrapment" to match terminology of Hogan et al. entrapment paper, but namelist interface still accepts sw_encroachment_name (sw_entrapment_name preferred) and encroachment_scaling (overhang_factor preferred). - Added gas%scale routine to scale gas concentrations and namelist parameters driver_config%co2_scaling (and all gases) so that users can easily test the effect of, for example, doubling CO2 or setting it to zero. - Fixed parameterization of cloud scales in radiation_cloud to optionally take as input the range of columns to process. - Redefined use of scale_factor in radiation_gas.F90 version 1.1.9 (9 Feb 2019) - Mapping from albedo/emissivity intevals to bands may be done as before by selecting the nearest interval to the centre of each band, or now by computing the fractional overlap of each interval with each band. This is controlled by the do_nearest_spectral_[sw_albedo|lw_emiss] configuration parameter - The user can specify the spectral range of the albedo/emissivity intervals using namelist parameters [sw_albedo|lw_emiss]_wavelength_bound and i_[sw_albedo|lw_emiss]_index, or calling the config%define_[sw_albedo|lw_albedo]_intervals routines before calling setup_radiation, which does the actual mapping once the ecRad bands are known - Parameterize cloud separation scale via radiation_driver namelist options "cloud_separation_scale_[toa|surface|power]" - radiation_driver:do_correct_unphysical_inputs namelist option does not simply warn about unphysical inputs (e.g. negative gas concentrations) but fixes them - Replaced LwDiffusivity by 2.0 in radiation_two_stream:calc_frac_scattered_diffuse_sw, which is more consistent with the Zdunkowski scheme, but has a very small effect version 1.1.8 (17 January 2019) - easy_netcdf.F90 allows for reading and writing slices of larger arrays and writing HDF5 files, overcoming the maximum array size limitation of classic NetCDF files - cloud%inv_inhom_effective_size allows different effective sizes for cloud inhomogeneities and cloud boundaries in SPARTACUS, important for realistic behaviour when cloud fraction is near one, and can be specified directly in the NetCDF input file - The namelist variable "do_ignore_inhom_effective_size" in "driver_config" means that "inv_inhom_effective_size" will be ignored if it is present in the file, reverting to the old behaviour - Alternative input variables "inv_cloud_effective_separation" and "inv_inhom_effective_separation" allow cloud structure for SPARTACUS to be specified in a way less dependent on cloud fraction - If "inv_cloud_effective_separation" provided but not "inv_inhom_effective_separation" then the effective size of inhomogeneities is computed as that for the clouds themselves multiplied by the "cloud_inhom_separation_factor" namelist variable from "driver_config" (or 1 if not provided). - Check physical bounds of inputs to radiation interface - [aerosol|ice|liq]_optics_override_file_name now read from namelist - radiation_homogeneous_[sl]w.F90 now stores spectral flux profiles, if required version 1.1.7 (8 January 2019) - Added "Cloudless" solvers in shortwave and longwave - Writing radiative_properties*.nc files now thread-safe - Fixed segmentation fault in solver_tripleclouds_sw when do_save_spectral_flux .and. .not. do_sw_direct - Initialize shortwave properties in radiation_ifs_rrtm in case sun is below horizon, needed for some compiler options - Modified test/ifs/ to allow sun to go below horizon, rather than including the online correction for Earth curvature. - Modified driver/ecrad_driver_read_input.F90 so that if sw_albedo and lw_emissivity override namelist parameters are provided, they don't also need to be provided in the input files version 1.1.6 (17 December 2018) - Generalized "alpha" overlap matrix calculation to allow for possibility that the two cloudy regions in the Tripleclouds assumption are not of equal size - Introduced radiation_regions.F90 to compute region fractions and optical depth scalings at the same time - New gamma distribution behaviour in Tripleclouds and SPARTACUS: if fractional standard deviation FSD > 1.5 then use non-equal fractions for the two cloudy regions, which better predicts fluxes. Also set a minimum optical depth scaling of 1/40, which means that Tripleclouds and SPARTACUS will give slightly different fluxes from before (< 0.1 W m-2) even for FSD < 1.5 - SPARTACUS shortwave encroachment uses new fast_expm_exchange routine given that matrix to be exponentiated has a regular structure - Execution halts if gases not provided with 0 (well-mixed) or 2 dimensions; before execution silently continued with these gases not present version 1.1.5 (15 September 2018) - Added "Zero" option for sw_encroachment_name, which turns off not only encroachment due to horizontal transport within regions, but also encroachment due to horizontal transport between regions version 1.1.4 (13 September 2018) - Added "Fractal" option for sw_encroachment_name, which makes a better assumption about the cloud size distribution than "Computed" in the part that uses the horizontal radiation migration distance to work out how much exchange has occurred under regions version 1.1.3 (4 September 2018) - Added (shortwave) encroachment_scaling to namelist, configuring how one assumes cloud boundaries line up in adjacent layers: 0.0 (the boundaries line up to the greatest extent possible given the overlap parameter) and 1.0 (the boundaries line up to the minimum extent possible, which was the old behaviour) - Fixed related minor bug where encroachment transfer rate was computed from the edge lengths in the wrong layer version 1.1.2 (3 September 2018) - Added Python script test/ifs/ (thanks to Alessio Bozzo) - Bug fix in calculation of direct horizontal migration distance in radiation_spartacus_sw.F90 - Added namelist parameter min_cloud_effective_size to help with stability of SPARTACUS version 1.1.1 (29 August 2018) - Complete reformulation of the calculation of horizontal migration distances in radiation_spartacus_sw.F90 - Option to set particulate single-scattering albedo and asymmetry factor via namelist in LW and SW monochromatic case version 1.1.0 (21 August 2018) - Clean-up for release - Updated test/i3rc/ to work with latest nco tools version 1.0.16 (7 May 2018) - "make PRINT_ENCROACHMENT_DATA=1" prints encroachment data from SPARTACUS shortwave solver to units 101 and 102, which can be tested with test/i3rc/plot_encroachment.m - Enabled radsurf canopies to include longwave gas absorption/emission at full spectral resolution - Monochromatic shortwave properties now more consistent with 0.55 micron wavelength (g=0.86, ssa=0.999999, delta-Eddington applied) - Now pass in KLEV rather than a structure to ifsrrtm routines version 1.0.15 (18 April 2018) - Added capability to provide aerosol optical properties rather than mixing ratios, implemented via the add_aerosol_optics_direct routine - Removed dummy "method" argument to calc_two_stream_gammas_?w - Removed a large number of unused dummy arguments - Updated README and test/ifs/ version 1.0.14 (23 March 2018) - Large number of improvements and fixes to the treatment of urban areas version 1.0.13 (14 March 2018) - Extra securities on transmittance, reflectance etc. in shortwave SPARTACUS solver - Reduced default max_cloud_od for SPARTACUS solver to 18 for stability - Finally fixed permute option when writing 3D array using easy_netcdf.F90 version 1.0.12 (22 February 2018) - Optimized radiation_ifs_rrtm.F90 and radiation_cloud_generator.F90 version 1.0.11 (20 February 2018) - Corrected "computed encroachment" in SPARTACUS shortwave solver to propagate migration distances according to overlap rules - Default configuration file in test/ifs directory is for Cycle 46R1 of IFS, which includes longwave scattering, fixes LW ice optics bug and computes shortwave delta-Eddington scaling for particulates only version 1.0.10 (23 October 2017) - Added single precision option: compile with "make SINGLE_PRECISION=1" - easy_netcdf can read 4D arrays (thanks to Alessio Bozzo) - Renamed single-character variables - New data/ with longwave extinction rather than absorption coefficient (thanks to Mark Fielding) - Added security on n_scat_diffuse version 1.0.9 (26 July 2017) - Refined shortwave SPARTACUS such that computed encroachment estimates the number of diffuse scattering events and reduces the migration distance accordingly - Optimized calculation of longwave reflection/transmission coeffs version 1.0.8 (22 July 2017) - Added lognormal/gamma cloud PDF options that affect McICA, Tripleclouds and SPARTACUS solvers: namelist entry "cloud_pdf_shape_name" can be "Lognormal" or "Gamma" (default "Gamma") - radiation_driver can read "iseed" variable for seeding the McICA cloud generator - Added Yi et al. (2013) ice optics model (thanks to Mark Fielding): namelist entry ice_model_name="Yi" version 1.0.7 (7 July 2017) - Bug fix in reformulated SPARTACUS solver version 1.0.6 (4 July 2017) - Reformulated shortwave SPARTACUS solver to have the option of explicitly computing "encroachment" (what Shonk & Hogan called "anomalous transport") accounting for expected horizontal migration distance during a reflection event version 1.0.5 (29 June 2017) - Added "urban" tile type version 1.0.4 (24 April 2017) - Added "flat" and "vegetation" tile types - Added "make DEBUG=1" option for turning on debug flags version 1.0.3 (11 April 2017) - Converted code to use "surface" type for multi-tile surfaces in future (version 1.0.2surface - unstable intermediate version) version 1.0.1 (15 February 2017) - Fixed Makefile options for PGI Fortran - Removed erroneous commas from test/i3rc/Makefile - Renamed variables shadowing intrinsics "scale" and "index" version 1.0 (13 February 2017) - Read RADRRTM and RADSRTM from data directory - Renamed "PROFILE" in test/i3rc/Makefile to avoid clash with use of the same name in top-level Makefile version 0.9.48 (13 January 2017) - test/ifs now includes a test where aerosol is turned off, and a reference output NetCDF file so that the compilation can be checked version 0.9.47 (9 January 2017) - Can specify output precision via "is_double" argument in easy_netcdf - save_inputs stores iseed in double precision - test/i3rc contains I3RC test case - test/ifs contains IFS test case - Preliminary "Baran-2017" ice optics scheme: a new parameterization derived from the Baran et al. (2016) ice optical properties version 0.9.46 (3 January 2017) - Added to enable McICA to reproduce the two-mode PDF used by the Tripleclouds and SPARTACUS schemes version 0.9.45 (25 November 2016) - Added OpenIFS license - Changed build system to use Makefile_include. files - Renamed package from "spartacus" to "ecrad" - Fixed writing of 3D arrays in easy_netcdf to permute withorder=i_permute_3d(i_permute_3d) - Offline code can be run on input data written by radiation_save:save_inputs - New file with manually changed coefficients for shortwave band 11 to prevent singularity in SSA calculation at re=25.733um. Note that there is still a singularity at re=1.63um in shortwave optical depth in band 10, so effective radius should be capped to the range 2-50 microns. version 0.9.44 (22 October 2016) - Revised aerosol scattering file - Fixed radiation_cloud_cover: it could access arrays out of bounds - provided that the memory address was accessible this would have had no impact since the data were not used version 0.9.43 (23 September 2016) - RADRRTM and RADSRTM can now be read from directory in environment variable "DATA" - do_fu_lw_ice_optics_bug is now a namelist option - Added Baran 2016 ice optics option - Optimized calculation of Planck function - Better ordered the printing of configuration information - Added configCY43R3.nam to match expected configuration in ECMWF IFS cycle 43R3 version 0.9.42 (31 August 2016) - Optimized radiation_ifs_rrtm.F90 and added rrtm_gas_optical_depth.F90 to replace rrtm_gasabs1a_140gp.F90 - Optimized calc_two_stream_gammas_sw - Added Tripleclouds solvers in longwave and shortwave version 0.9.41 (16 August 2016) - Added possibility to reproduce IFS bug in longwave ice where single scattering albedo is one minus what it should be - Ensure initialization to zero of [od/ssa/g]_[sw/lw]_[liq/ice] variables in radiation_cloud_optics.F90 - Removed Dr Hook calls for small routines called many times: everything in radiation_two_stream, plus radiation_aerosol_optics_data:calc_rh_index, calc_liq_optics_*, calc_ice_optics_* version 0.9.40 (14 July 2016) - Updated files in ifs directory version 0.9.39 (22 June 2016) - Renamed cloud_cover_* routines to cum_cloud_cover_* since they compute the cumulative cloud cover, and added a "cloud_cover" function that does actually compute the total cloud cover (only) - Use gamma rather than lognormal distribution for McICA to better match the current IFS - radiation_cloud::set_overlap_param now uses the correct layer separation from temperature and pressure, rather than an approximate one using a constant atmospheric scale height - radiation_cloud_generator now correlates cloud inhomogeneities between non-adjacent layers if the Exp-Exp overlap scheme is used - radiation_cloud_cover::cum_cloud_cover_exp_exp now checks for pair_cloud_cover not consistent with the cumulative cloud cover profile version 0.9.38 (2 June 2016) - Added Tegen climatology data file and modified radiation_aerosol_optics_data to read data files that don't contain hydrophilic aerosols - Added Slingo (1989) and Lindner and Li (2000) liquid droplet optics parameterizations for backwards compatibility with the IFS, although note that Slingo (1989) has been found to have errors version 0.9.37 (17 May 2016) - Added do_3d_lw_multilayer_effects to mirror the same for shortwave. This controls whether off-diagonal elements are permitted in the total_albedo matrix - these represent the probability that downwelling radiaton exiting a region is reflected up in another region. This may be due to transport through cloud sides, or due to "anomalous" horizontal transport where fluxes are homogenized in regions. Unlike in the shortwave, this option is not forced on if 3D effects are enabled; in fact, it is probably better to turn it off in both 1D and 3D cases because this homogenization is not likely to occur to any significant degree in the longwave. - Added capability to select single/double precision in easy_netcdf.F90, and radiative properties are now stored in double precision. - Changed verbosity settings of driver: 2 = print *all* setup info, 3 = also print numbers of current profiles being processed. - radiation_ifs_rrtm now checks solar zenith angle for positivity to decide whether to set incident solar radiation to zero version 0.9.36 (10 May 2016) - Bug fix in radiation_monochromatic.F90: Planck profile calculation - Maximum 3D transfer rate is now configurable (max_3d_transfer_rate) - Inverse effective cloud size can be specified separately for eta in the bands 0-0.45, 0.45-0.8 and 0.8-1 via high_inv_eff_size, middle_inv_eff_size, low_inv_eff_size in the radiation_config namelist. - License and copyright now in LICENSE and NOTICE; COPYING has been removed - "ifs" directory added illustrating how the radiation scheme is called from the IFS, including the routines for computing cloud particle effective radius. version 0.9.35 (29 April 2016) - Added Exponential-Exponential overlap capability to match original IFS Raisanen cloud generator - Overlap in McICA can be selected with overlap_scheme_name in namelist = Exp-Exp, Exp-Ran or Max-Ran - Removed test on od_over_mu0 in calc_reflectance_transmittance_sw, which speeds up IFS implementation - In same routine, increased minimum "k^2" to 1.0e-12_jprb which removes noise in clear-sky upwelling versus solar zenith angle version 0.9.34 (20 April 2016) - Added option to do delta-Eddington scaling after merging with gases, which seems less "correct", but is how the original IFS scheme works - Delta-Eddington now a header file included by several modules - Clarified that RRTMG license is now BSD 3-clause version 0.9.33 (March 2016) - Removed PS-Rad implementation of RRTMG - Added delta-Eddington scaling of aerosol scattering properties version 0.9.32 (17 March 2016) - Slight change to the way that cloud overlap is specified - Added aerosol optics data files matching IFS cycles - Default aerosol file is version 0.9.31 (26 January 2016) - Print out description of aerosol types being used - Added iverbosesetup in order to specify separately the verbosity of the setup and normal execution parts - Removed "is_verbose" from namelist - Removed "ncol" as an argument from the solvers - PS-Rad RRTMG option now prefixed by PSRAD in the code and the directory structure; radiation_ifsrrtm renamed to radiation_ifs_rrtm version 0.9.30 (16 January 2016) - Bug fix: if layer overcast and only 2 regions then 3D calculations not performed - Split cloud optics into separate source files version 0.9.29 (7 January 2016) - Support for separate direct and diffuse shortwave albedos - Explicit loop indices in radiation_adding_ica_*w and radiation_ifsrrtm speeds these routines up somewhat - Added capability to calculate longwave derivatives for Hogan & Bozzo (2015) method - Faster longwave McICA solver if cloud scattering not represented - Added homogeneous solvers version 0.9.28 (17 November 2015) - Added some comments to McICA parts and cleaned up version 0.9.27 (13 November 2015) - Capped the transfer rate between regions in 3D SPARTACUS to "10" per layer, equivalent to an optical depth of 10 - Fixed cloud cover calculation in cloud generator - Fixed bug in McICA LW where surface Planck function taken from wrong column - Optimized SW reflectance transmittance: use simple expression for optically thin points version 0.9.26 (6 November 2015) - Added no-scattering solver for McICA longwave, typically used in clear skies when aerosol scattering is turned off version 0.9.25 (4 November 2015) - Reordered gas and cloud optical properties to have g-point varying fastest, leading to a significant speed-up version 0.9.24 (4 November 2015) - Added possibility for radiation to be transported directly between regions a and c, via clear_to_thick_fraction - Added capability for direct beam from overhead sun to pass through cloud sides, to improve 3D effect for overhead sun - Read McICA PDF look-up table from to radiation_pdf_sampler.F90 - Verified McICA cloud generator - Added capability to interpret overlap parameter as Hogan & Illingworth's "alpha" rather than Shonk et al.'s "beta", made this the default and verified that McICA and SPARTACUS give the same total cloud cover. - Added capability to repeat calculation multiple times for better profiling - Gas optics unit scaling now done all at once to avoid bugs associated with part of mixing_ratio array being in one unit and another part being in another unit (for the same gas) - Some optimization of gamma calculations version 0.9.23 (19 October 2015) - Thresholds on gas optical depth now performed in radiation_ifsrrtm.F90 to avoid problems with unphysical ssa after aerosol optics version 0.9.22 (13 October 2015) - Protection for zero Kelvin in monochromatic Planck function - Check on dimensions read from aerosol optics file - Better diagnostic of aerosol settings in print_config - Included longwave internal radiation distribution parameterization for 3D (config%do_lw_side_emissivity) - Added requirement for non-zero water content in radiation_spartacus_?w.F90 version 0.9.21 - Fixed the monochromatic option version 0.9.20 - Bug fixes in radiation_matrix.F90 and radiation_ifsrrtm.F90 - Better printing of the configuration in radiation_config.F90 version 0.9.19 (not a stable version) - Moved solar irradiance from config to single_level version 0.9.18 - Module radiation_io for abort and output units - Started shortwave McICA implementation - Better IFS compatibility - Revised config_type structure version 0.9.17 - Optical depth thresholds now in the radiation namelist as max_gas_od_3d and max_cloud_od - Can process limited number of columns via istartcol and iendcol in the radiation_driver namelist - Fixed bug where upwelling longwave surface clear-sky flux was underestimated if a cloud was present in lowest model level - Incoming solar flux scaled in radiation_ifsrrtm to match requested TSI version 0.9.16 - Rather than turning off 3D radiation if OD in a region is too high, we cap the OD of the cloud and still do 3D calculations. Note that to enable 3D effect to be calculated, this is done even if 3D effects are turned OFF. version 0.9.15 - Added capability to output fluxes per g-point with do_save_gpoint_flux - Check for "ghost" clouds (zero water content, non-zero cloud fraction) - 3D radiation only called if optical depth of gas < 8 and total optical depth of thickest region < 30 version 0.9.14 - Cleaned up the text output via separate "iverbose" config variables for the driver and the main radiation code version 0.9.13 - driver/radiation_driver_config.F90 now handles the aspects of the configuration that are limited to the driver rather than the radiation code itself version 0.9.12 - Now use IFS version of RRTM-G gas optics - g_lw zeroed in radiation_interface version 0.9.11 - Monochromatic is now a run-time rather than compile-time option - Option to output spectral fluxes version 0.9.10 - Added overlap_decorr_length_scaling option for namelists version 0.9.9 - Added IFS RRTM code in ifsrrtm/ - Added "make resort" in work/ to provide re-sorted g points for radiation_rrtm.f90 version 0.9.8 - Better compatibility with IFS: added dr_hook, nulout, nulerr, abor1 - easy_netcdf into utilities library - Revised the variable name convention in radiation/*.f90 so that can be converted to IFS coding norms if required version 0.9.7 - Added Fu (1996) and Fu et al. (1998) ice optics version 0.9.6 - Implemented aerosols version 0.9.5 - Implemented ice optics version 0.9.4 - Combined clear-sky calculations into single spartacus call - Fixed the optimized matrix operations for shortwave sparsity version 0.9.3 - Fixed ozone in standard atmosphere profiles - Fixed bug in Meador-Weaver direct transmittance calculation version 0.9.2 - First beta release